I'm So Tired

So many families are talking to me about sleep and their children these days. The tricky thing about sleep is, as parents, we often make decisions about our child’s sleep when we are tired and/or frustrated. WE also need sleep and do all we can to sleep get back to sleep, which means we make choices we might not make when we are well rested and we bare our worst sides sometimes when we are trying to support calm, peace and rest for our little one. Then form new habits. In fact you have a sleep habit with your child and yourself right now, you just might now like it (and change is hard).

I mean we have good intentions, right? We may talk with a spouse or specialist, or maybe even a friend and come up with a plan. I had one (a plan that is)…then reality set in. Before I had children I was going to NEVER let my child sleep in my bed, lay them down awake all the time, and promote healthy habits early. Well my children did just the opposite thanks to all my 2 a.m. decisions.

As much as I could spew out advice, give scenarios, etc. It really depends on each individual child and family. Now I do coach families and sometimes sleep comes up, and yes I give suggestions and of course, safe sleep is always a must, but really in the end… you decide, as I am not there at 2 a.m.

So my thoughts on sleep today is it’s important, just as important as the air we breath. In fact it is listed with air on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

Now I said I wouldn’t give advice, up here it is (or at least some thoughts):

  1. Do your best to get some rest

  2. Follow your child’s rhythms when possible

  3. Safety first

  4. Give space for your child’s feelings

  5. Any given moment will pass in time


Good night until I rant again…